Installation steps :
- Download the zip of the last Ataox version.
- Unzip the Ataox archive to obtain another large zip, 2 directories and a few more files. This group of files and directories is the Ataox auto-installer.
- Upload the Ataox auto-installer with FTP or any functional application into the server directory that will be the base for the index of your web site.
- The "aMainDr" directory must get a 777 rights specification, meaning that any application running from that server can write in this directory. You can specify rights with FTP applications. (*x) Server applications that have writing possibilities have passwords on their own! On the other side, refusing to set the 777 rights means that the application can't unzip itself and that you could not use it later on to upload images and other files!
- Start the unzip application using (please adapt domain link)
- Follow the instructions as they come along! Note : with a virgin database and its user name and password at hand, you can create the structure of a 20 pages site with about 10 languages in less than 5 minutes.